Unani-tibb or Unani Medicine is a form of traditional medicine practiced in Middle- East and South-Asian countries. It refers to a tradition of Graeco-Arabic medicine, 

Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates (460–377 BCE), as well as Hippocrates (Buqrat) and Galen, laid the groundwork for the Unani system of medicine, which Arabs urbanised into a beautiful medical discipline (Jalinoos). The method was further improved by Greek and Arab thinkers like Galen (131–212 CE), Raazes (850–925 CE), and Avicenna (980–1037 CE), who gave it the name Greco-Arab Medicine. The four states of living—hot, sodden, frigid, and dry—as well as the four humours of the Hippocratic Oath—blood, yellow bile, dark bile, and mucus—form the foundation of unani medicine. An substantial portion of the Indian population uses unani medicine, which was combined with Indian culture during the reign of the Mughal emperors.

The seven standards of Mizaj (temperaments), Anza (organs), Quo (resources), Arkan (components), Arawh (spirits), Aklath (humours), and Afal are considered to make up the human body according to Unani (capacities). These guidelines monitor health and also the state of the economy.


Before diagnosing an illness and advising a course of treatment, a doctor takes into account each of these factors. The NP medications used in this framework are unaffected by side effects and constitute a representation of life. These drugs, which are fatal in their unprocessed form, are prepared and purified before use. Diet therapy, routine treatment, and pharmacotherapy are the types of medications that are advised in the unani system of medicine

  • Dietary treatments include regulating the type and quantity of food consumed on a regular basis, organising specific diet management plans, or treating specific ailments.
  • Regional treatment includes kneading, diaphoresis, Turkish showers, and other procedures.
  • Pharmacotherapy controls the use of NPs.


The Unani system of medicine is a comprehensive treatment that miraculously treats a wide range of health conditions and diseases. Single or in the formulation, in unrefined form is preferable. This approach offers excellent treatments for digestive, neurological system, and cardiovascular conditions.


Unani medicine and Orofacial Diseases

Unani medicine, like Ayurvedic medicine, advises the daily use of therapeutic techniques such using chewing sticks to brush teeth in the morning and after every meal to prevent and maintain oral health.

For the prevention and control of dental health, several unani doctors recommend using herbal formulations in their Usool-e-Ilaj (unani principles for treatment). Several herbs used in the Unani system, including Miswak (Salvadora Persica), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Anar (Punicagranatum), Aqarqarha (Anacyclus pyrethrum), Suddab (Rutagraveolens), Amla (Emblica Officinalis), Aqia (Acacia nilotica), Shahad (Honey), Lehsun Similar to this, Unani formulations like Sunune Zard, Sunune Mulook, Sunune Mujalli, Buzidan, Majoon Suranjan, Majoon Azaraqi, Habbe Gule Aak, etc. have been demonstrated to have an efficient analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial impact and are utilised in the treatment of orofacial illnesses.

However, the majority of the medications that have been included in Unani material medica and are frequently prescribed by Unani medical practitioners for the treatment of dental problems have not yet undergone rigorous scientific testing to confirm their alleged benefits. Because of this, there is a component of uncertainty about their effectiveness and safety that can only be eliminated through scientific validation..



The system is equally concerned with curing illness as it is with avoiding disease. Since the beginning of time, people have understood that our health is influenced by the surroundings we live in and the state of the environment. The significance of preventing air, food, and water contamination is emphasized. To promote health and prevent disease, there are six criteria that must be fulfilled (Asbab Sitta e Zaroriayah). Those are:


  • Air
  • Food and drinks
  • Bodily movement and repose
  • Psychic movement and repose
  • Sleep and wakefulness
  • Evacuation and retention
  • It is believed that clean, healthy air is the most crucial component for health. A change in environment may be able to treat a variety of ailments, according to the eminent Arab physician Avicenna. He also emphasized the importance of having open, breezy dwellings with enough ventilation.
  • It is advisable to eat food that is fresh, uncontaminated by disease-causing agents, and putrid-free. It is thought that polluted water spreads a number of ailments. As a result, the system emphasizes how important it is to maintain the water clean and free of any form of impurities.
  • Both rest and exercise are regarded as crucial for keeping one's health. Exercise encourages proper excretory system function, ensures nutrition, increases blood flow, and stimulates muscle growth. Additionally, it keeps the liver and heart in good condition.
  • The methodology thoroughly explains how psychological factors like joy, sorrow, and fury, among others, affect health. This topic is extensively covered in the field of psychological treatment in unani medicine.In this system, the patient's entire personality is taken into account. Every individual has a distinct basic makeup, bodily type, method of self-defense, reaction to their environment, and likes and dislikes.

Unani medicine has the following main types of treatment

Regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir)

Regimental therapy is a specialised technique or physical type of treatment used to strengthen the body's constitution by eliminating waste products and enhancing the body's defence mechanisms. In other words, these are the "detoxification methods" that are most well-known.

The following succinct descriptions of significant regimental therapy approaches and the conditions for which they are thought to be effective:

Venesectio (Fasd)

  • Correction of blood-related issues and relief from high blood pressure have both been proven to benefit greatly from this form of treatment.
  • preventing toxins and waste from building up in the blood.
  • excretion of waste products from numerous body regions.
  • metabolic process stimulation
  • cure for illnesses brought on by specific menstruation problems.
  • temperament correction for heated material. 


Cupping (Al-hijama)

This type of therapy is utilized for:

  • removing waste from the skin.
  • to stop epistaxis or heavy menstruation.
  • to treat liver conditions.
  • to treat spleen issues and malaria.
  • to treat boils, scabies, uterine and testicular irritation, piles, etc.
  • Sweating (Tareeq)

Sweating is a normal bodily function that removes waste from the skin, blood, and other regions of the body. It aids in lowering too much heat. Some diaphoresis treatments include dry or wet fomentation, warm water baths, massage, and keeping the patient in a room with hot air.


Diuresis (Idrar-e- baul)

Urine is used to eliminate waste materials, excess humours, and poisonous substances. It is used to treat conditions affecting the heart, liver, and lungs. By keeping the patient in a cool environment and administering cold water, diuresis can occasionally be induced.

Turkish bath (Hamam)

This is recommended for:

  • Getting rid of the trash and making you sweat more
  • supplying gentle heat, improving nutrition, and reducing fat
  • adding more fat
  • In good health, taking a cold bath is recommended. After a massage, a hot bath is typically used to treat disorders including paralysis and muscular wasting, among others.
  • Massage (Dalk, Malish)

Soft massages are calming and relaxing; rough, dry massages are decongestant and improve blood flow; and oil massages relax the muscles and smooth the skin.

Counter irritation

This method relieves pain, a burning sensation, and irritability. Tumors are treated and inflammation is reduced.

Cauterization (Amal-e-Kae)

It stops the toxic cancer of one organ from spreading to other organs. This approach is extremely helpful in cases of hip joint pain. The pathogenic materials that are associated to some structures are eliminated or addressed using this procedure.

Purging (Ishal)

Purgatives are frequently used in unani medicine for intestinal evacuation. The use of this technique is governed by established rules. This process affects the regular metabolic process.

Vomiting (Qai)

Emetics are used to treat bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, bronchopneumonia, headache, and migraine. Additionally, this heals mental illnesses including mania and melancholy.

Exercise (Riyazat)

Exercise is crucial for keeping one's health in tip-top shape and for treating certain diseases. It is known to strengthen digestion and be excellent for the stomach. For different sorts of exercises, there are established guidelines for timing and circumstances.

Leeching (Taleeq-e-Alaq)

Bad blood components are removed from the blood using this technique. This is helpful for ringworms and other skin conditions. The system outlines particular requirements for using it.

Dieto therapy (Ilaj-bil-Ghiza)

Food is an important component of unani medicine. The quality and quantity of food can be controlled to effectively treat a number of diseases.

Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj-bil-Dawa)

The medications used in this sort of treatment are largely herbal and come from natural sources. There are various medicines made from minerals and animals. Only natural medications are employed because they are easily accessible locally and have minimal or no side effects on the body.

 According to their temperament—hot, cold, wet, and dry—drugs are meant to behave. In actuality, medications are divided into four categories based on their temperament, and doctors take into account their potency, the patient's age and temperament as well as the type and severity of their illness. Powders, decoctions, infusions, Jawarish, Majoon, Khamira, syrup, and pills, among other forms, are used to provide medications. For dispensing alternative medications, the NHS has established guidelines.

Surgery (Ilaj-bil-Yad )

 Only minor surgery is currently performed with the technology..



The Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940 and the rules that it established, as changed from time to time, govern the manufacturing of unani drugs in India. Enforcement of this Act is the responsibility of the Drug Technical Advisory Board, which the Indian government established. A committee for drug consultation exists. The Central and State Governments/Board are advised by this Committee on how to administer the Drugs and Cosmetics Act consistently across the nation.

The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee was established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of India to provide universal criteria for the production of compound unani medications. This committee is made up of professionals in a variety of disciplines, including pharmacology, chemistry, botany, and unani medicine.

A career in Unani medicine

In either a for-profit or public unani hospital, a unani practitioner can serve as a physician. The companies that deal with Unani preparations may offer employment prospects to professionals in this industry.

An undergraduate degree programme in unani medicine and surgery is called the Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS). The medical expertise of the Unani system is covered by this degree. One can begin working as a doctor in the Unani medical area after receiving this degree.

By pursuing a postgraduate degree and a doctorate in unani medicine, one might further specialise.

Educational Institutions:

The Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), a governmental authority established under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970, regulates the standards of medical education in Unani.

There are currently 41 approved unani medical colleges in the nation, including the National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), Bangalore, which offers education and training resources to the system. 1750 students can be admitted to these universities' undergraduate programmes annually. 

The National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), located in Bangalore, is a prestigious institution run by the Ministry of Ayush. This institution, founded in 1984, offers high-quality instruction, training, and research in the unani medical system. Here are the specifics:


For the past 15 years, NIUM has offered postgraduate and PhD courses in a variety of fields. It seeks to advance excellence in unani medical teaching, research, and patient treatment.

In addition to the courses, it frequently hosts CME events, workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by renowned academics.

Through general and speciality OPDs, the hospital of the institute offers clinical services to patients for a variety of medical conditions, such as skin diseases, GIT and hepato-biliary disorders, neurological disorders, mental care, and geriatric care.



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