All ages were encouraged to participate in the traditional games practiced in Tamil Nadu. There are Tamil games for every age, from infancy to maturity and old age, and we want to remind people that these are eco-friendly and simple ways of playing that develop sensory, mathematical, and social skills. Traditional games had a tactile quality of engagement that is missing in today's electronic playthings.

Paradoxically, it seems that the finest source of knowledge regarding games that have vanished over time in the State is nostalgic adults. "In Tamil Nadu, children in rural areas were the last to be exposed to toy stores. Therefore, kids were typically specialists at creating their own playthings out of seeds, pottery shards, twigs, and even pebbles. Games also incorporate some role-playing to encourage imagination and creativity. Traditional games appear to place more of a focus on social enjoyment than individual happiness.



A traditional game called Pacha Kudhura is comparable to Hurdles Race. It was a game that kings and their troops used to train for battle. In English, Pacha Kudhura is known as Green Horse. The name of this game, Pacha Kudhura, comes from the fact that one player bends forward like a horse while the other jumps over him. The players' ability to jump over tall barriers and other challenges is improved by this game. A kid's game is called Green Horse. Also played by teenagers with their peers. Most of the time, it happens in the moonlight.

Jumping over another player's leg is the initial move in this game. Consequently, this game is also known as Callthandi game..

A person in a crouched position will gradually stand up. As a result, the jumpers will have to clear a higher height.

  • one foot
  • Two people standing two feet apart,
  • A sand that is taller than two feet, and
  • l Two sands that are higher than two feet

The foot will keep growing in height. There will be a pole vault and a foot vault. He need to jump while holding onto his back till he is squatting.

A person in a crouch should have his head drooping down. If you don't bow in that way, they will order you to have your head chopped off and give it to the dog and knock on your head until you do.

One leg should be placed over the jumper's head, and the other should be placed over his waist. Running while jumping is impossible. The following individual is positioned with the hands of the bower at a distance of one cubit (4 cubits).

The jumper must correctly sit down or squat before allowing others to jump once he has finished his own jump.

As a result, everyone is compelled to outperform one another. If one is unable to jump from that stage, one forfeits the chance to do so. For others to jump, he must, however, pose as a horse.

The replay begins once all of the leaps have been accomplished.


To highlight the social life through games, there are many games in our Tamil society. Among them, the game is multi-lingual, which combines social life with home life. Multilingual game is also known as pandi game. There are three types of polygamous games namely Muthattam, Pasuattam and Kattattam.

  • One leg walking is difficult. 
  • To hit runners with lameness in a game is lame. 
  • He dashes into it after making a round.
  • The lame should beat and touch those who struck them.
  • You can leave the circle and rest both legs if a leg is hurting.
  • Anybody who has been touched has to exit the game.
  • The individual who was previously touched can enter the circle again and sprint if both feet are placed inside.

inner ring

 Create a circle, and those touched inside should stand.When one of the Catcher's legs hurts, he can rest on one leg while holding onto the other. Otherwise, the opposing teams will circle with their feet and call it an itli while taking a short break inside the inner circle.

two groups. A group will form a circle while keeping their hands folded. The team that is limping will touch the team that is entering. You can gather in a circle, fold your hands, and request a weak touch from someone nearby if your leg hurts.


A goalie is a tiny glass ball that has been painted. These typically have a 1.25 or 0.635 diameter. Children utilize these in a variety of games.

One of the traditional games in Tamil Nadu is goligundu. The only people who play it are kids.Pitting and dashing arenas will be set up separately in the field.

The heel of the bullet will set the hole to the screw's depth. Goligundu is made of rounded pebbles, crumbled bricks, and pebbles. It was also employed following the release of colored glass bombs.

The image demonstrates how to strike a ball held by the other hand while using forceful middle finger motion and the thumb resting on the ground.

In Tamil, the word Kol means to bend. Pure Tamil word "goli" denotes a curved object. Another Tamil name for that component is gundu. Monolingual ism is the term used in Tamil grammar to describe the use of numerous words for the same object.

 Historic period

This game was played prior to the birth of Christ, as evidenced by Parimelazakar's text "Kundu Urutudhal" in Tirukkural (401), where "Aranginri Vattu Adiutode" is found.

This game may have been played by the Nagarjuna-Konda tribe, according to sculptures from the Ikwasu era.

In Egypt, there are reliefs that demonstrate that the bomb was detonated.


  • Orukuhiyatam is a game in which players roll shells into a hole that is placed back by half a foot from the wall at a distance of about ten feet away.
  • Mukukiyatam is the practice of using shells to play three holes in a straight line with a one-meter space between them.
  • Benta-attam - The playing area for this game is a rectangle that is 50 by 30 cm in size and divided longitudinally.
  • The object of the game is to roll the bullet without halting in the line and collect 10 points (fruit).

Typically, the person who receives the fruit is the game's victor. Fruit scored 10 points in this game. The player who receives the fruit will leave the game. Or, he can hit his explosives without gaining any more points, which will assist in turning him into a fruit.


A game that is played with a bambaram, or spinning top, a device that stands on an equinox and rotates on an axis around it. The bending force keeps the paddle spinning as it is rotated around its shaft using fingers, a rope, or a whip. The axis is initially deflected and then the position is staggered as a result of this force's reduction throughout rotation due to friction with the air. There are several locations where Bambaram is performed.

Since ancient times, this game has been enjoyed by people from many different civilizations. This has been supported by evidence discovered throughout numerous archaeological digs.

Both gambling and fate telling have been done with the game.Use a rubber band and a rope to start the game. It can be performed either by oneself or by others.

Bambaram and players play a variety of games. Make a circle on the floor first, then count 1, 2, and 3 while everyone spins the drum simultaneously.

The bambarakatta can then be picked up using a whip. If they can't, they should put their bums inside the circle.

The Bampara in the circle must be removed by outsiders using their Bampara. If someone who doesn't have the Bambaram catches it after it is dropped into the circle, the Bambaram will also enter the circle. The spinner's bat is also placed inside the circle if it is not spinning. The game must restart when all of the bumpers in the circle are gone.

Texts like the Ramayana and the Kandapurana make mention of Bambaram. The Ramayana describes it as "He spun like a serpent."

Up until 1950, Bambaram was a popular game among boys in Tamil Nadu's rural communities.It's a portable game. There are three varieties of it: Oyakatta, broken-cut, and Pambarakuttu.


Whoever can spin the drum on their palm or floor the longest can predict the fruit.

broken log ,When the battawan is taken out of the circle and taken out to a certain distance by the battawan's pamphara, the log has broken..


Pamparakuttu refers to the pumping out of a pampara that has been positioned inside of a circle by a pampara that surrounds it. The centre is filled with either a mango or a stick, which is then removed. Everyone will lift a lion as it emerges. The final lifter was him. The circle will house his cremains. It can be played by two or more persons at once. There are three "leader game" modes in this game.

1. To play in a circle - Orutattakuthu,

2. To play two-circles within one another - two-circle,

3. To play by placing two different circles at a certain distance and then playing abduction - Thaliyari game


Kids can play karanaball as a team sport. It also goes by the name monkey ball. As a ball, a thread twisted into cloth is utilized. The big toe is used to hold the ball while using the foot to launch it. The one in front of them must catch it. You can throw the karana ball if you like. The first hitter may start playing from the spot where the ball fell if the other players don't like it. The person who carries the ball the farthest is credited. He is out if the catch fails and the ball veers off course.To get to the starting point of the game, one must win from last place and defeat others clumsily.This is a fine for missing the catch.


Oduzi's game of breathing. It is played by kids. After 1950, the game that was played in Tamil Nadu gradually vanished. With two teams, it will be played similarly to a game of Kabaddi. Listen for singing during a kabaddi match. Avoid being sucked into this game; it makes a difference. Catcher must sing without breathing while touching the opposition and holding his nose with one hand. 


A kid's touch game is called quadrilateral.

On the dusty street, all the players will form a stage .There will be a total of five players.The arena's center is covered with 4 stones. One will be chosen to get a diploma.He'll get close to the stone picker.Some people line up.The runner on the line must remain untouchable.

It is assumed that someone approaching to pick up the stone does not have a foot on the line.Contact him. As the Catcher, the touched changes.One by one or in groups, the runner must bring the stones to the center and set them at the corner. One can also touch a runner carrying two stones. Restart the game if all four stones are in the corners.

Kal Pattal 

One of the traditional games played in Tamil Nadu is called Kal Pattal. Round stones the size of a finger are used for this. Four or five people dance while seated in a circle. Four bells are used if five people are playing. The person who is closest to the person who doesn't have a stone wills his stone higher than his head. The person next to him who doesn't have a stone will catch it and toss it to him. He grabs it and hands it off to the following person.

Nobody ought to be holding two stones in their hand. In order to prevent it from falling, you should also catch the stone that the other person has hurled. He is eliminated from the game if he drops the stone without catching it or if he holds two stones in his hand. The fruit is the one that survives without making a mistake at the end. The losers will be punished by the reaper.

Losers should lay their hands flat on the ground with their fingers spread wide. The winner stands with one arm raised above his head and one stone placed vertically in his forearm. If it hits the loser's palm, it hurts.


In Tamil Nadu's rural communities, boys and girls enjoy playing the game called Kalla Manna. one of the games that has just become extinct. There will be a graduate chosen. He needs to touch. The only person the sage will touch is the one standing on the stone if he claims to be a stone. Don't touch somebody who is on the ground and standing. If the master says "dirt," he will only touch the person who is standing on it. The person seated on the stone should not be touched. When someone has attained mastery, they will frequently alter what they consider to be soil and stone. If someone is touched, they become the person who was touched, and the game continues. There is also the option of standing and using a stick to playfully touch the stone or soil. Everyone should use a stick if they are to be touched by one.



Children in Tamil Nadu were playing kitti-pul, also known as gilli-danda, long before cricket became the most popular sport in the world. It requires striking a small wooden piece with a longer stick from a starting circle and is intended for teams of four or more players. Kitti-pul was not about winning rewards, "it was about learning hand-eye coordination, and gaining a lot of time to run around in the playground with friends."

Gilli Danda's structure is identical to that of cricket played with a stick rather than a bat. Gilli Danda was formerly an amateur sport practiced in rural India. The Maurya Dynasty is at least when the game first appeared in India. It is thought to be where Western sports like baseball, softball, and cricket got their start.

Everywhere has a different set of rules, and coming up with your own can be enjoyable.

Resources Necessary

1) Gilli, a stick that is 3 to 6 inches long with a one-inch diameter in the middle and tapered ends.

2) A two to three foot long, one inch wide stick is called a danda.

players present

In contrast to modern games, this one can be played by any number of players or teams. The distinction between Indian and Western games is exactly that. To prevent pointless fights, it is advised that you have just two teams.

Steps Taken During the Game 

  •  Split the players into two teams. Any one of the two athletes may serve as captain.
  •  Throw the coin. The winning team may choose either batting or fielding, but not both.
  •  Create a circle where the batsman will stand, with a hole in the centre.
  •  While the fielding team is spread out on the ground to field, the player on the hitting team will utilise a danda. In this match, there isn't a bowler.
  •  The batsman rapidly strikes the gilli with his danda at one of its tapering ends.
  • The distance from the circle to the location where the gilli fell is determined using the danda if the batsman hits the gilli but no fielder is able to catch it. The batting team gains one point for every danda's length.
  • The batsman is out if he or she fails to hit the gilli in three consecutive tries.
  • The batsman is out if he hits the gilli and the fielder catches it before it reaches the ground.
  •  His team's following player takes the plate.
  • Continue until all members of the batting team have been struck out. Add up all of their points.
  •  The batting team will now bat, and the fielding team will begin to play. The batting team will continue to follow the aforementioned procedures.
  • The match will be won by the side with the highest score.


The invaders and the parrot both start out on hangers. The parrot will make a call and advance. The competitors have to ascend and attempt to cross the next boundary as soon as the parrot crows. The bouncer is eliminated if it touches another bouncer while jumping. A denier cannot tap while standing close by or standing tall; only when jumping. However, Parrot is mobile and can tap anyone at any time. In other words, you can tap.

 People who reached the summit and then fled to the border are seen as fruits. Pods are bringers. Only if the elderly man crosses the border after being re-entered will that team receive a point.But since both have a tight space to climb when it returns, it's not the best idea to go to a box filled with fruit pods. Also, the parrot will try to lock and knock.

 The winning team is the one with the most points. The game may get very frantic and energetic when played with plenty of players.



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